Inside Out Boston Cream Pie

Actually, there’s nothing really inside out about this. I mean instead of chocolate on the outside in a glaze, I made it the cake. And instead of a white/vanilla cake I made a white chocolate vanilla glaze. So I guess it’s a backwards cake? I’m not really sure. I was really excited about it when I thought of it, though.

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Lactose Free Strawberry Cake

Hello Chitlins! Did you miss me? I hope so, I missed you. And boy do I have a treat for you this week!

If you take a glance up to the top of your screen where my banner is you may see a beautiful rose cake. This was the “lactard” friendly cake I made last year for my family’s annual boozefest/shopping trip that happens at my Aunt’s house. I have officially taken over lactard cake duties it seems and this year I did not slack.

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Champagne and Sprinkles

I love layer cakes. Sorta.

I love the way they look when they’re all prettily decorated. And I love the slices sitting on a plate just waiting to be devoured.

And I really enjoy the process of baking them – and ohemgee you guys, cake batter? I mean, is there really anything better? (Maybe cookie dough. Okay, probably cookie dough. Or I guess it’s really a tie.)

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TWD: French Strawberry Cake

Oh dear Chitlins. My kitchen is staging a mutiny against me again. I hope to wrangle it into submission soon, but in the meantime…

It’s Tuesday With Dorie! Yay! I was really excited for this recipe because I had just finished reading My Life in France and this is a FRENCH strawberry cake, c’est parfait! But then this past weekend I was putting together a cupcake order for Coach and half the wrappers peeled off my cupcakes so I didn’t fill the order all the way and sent The BF to work with some sad half-wrapped cupcakes (covered in sprinkles as a distraction).

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Traditional Wedding Cake a.k.a. Fruitcake

Remember this bad boy?

So a well known fact about me amongst my friends is that I wrote my Master’s thesis on the history of the American wedding cake. I sort of stumbled upon the idea while frantically pawing books in the New York Public Library and came across an interesting article about Queen Victoria’s children’s wedding cakes. Unfortunately, Simon R. Charsley beat me to the British versions so I settled for American. A major component of my thesis was to gather as many recipes for wedding cake as I could. I now have a compendium of roughly 80 recipes spanning from the early 19th century up to the 1950s for both wedding cake and bride’s loaf/cake.

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